
Bridge messages flow across the bridge through logical channels. Each parachain that wishes to directly send or receive messages is allocated its own dedicated channel, and has some influence over the operation of its channel.

This design ensures the following:

  • Parachain governance assumes the responsibility of rebalancing

  • The potential for custom fee/reward models on a per-channel basis

  • Minimises potential head-of-line blocking

Channels API

These extrinsics must be called via Xcm::Transact from the parachain wishing to create the channel.

As a prerequisite, the parachain must already have an agent instantiated on Ethereum. This can be done by calling create_agent via Xcm::Transact

Fees & Rewards

Ethereum -> BridgeHub -> Parachain

  • On Ethereum, collected fees are deposited into the agent contract acting as a proxy for the destination parachain

  • When the messages are relayed to BridgeHub, the message relayers are rewarded from the sovereign account of the destination parachain

  • The message is then forwarded to the final destination parachain

The net result is that:

  • On Ethereum, the agent contract of the origin parachain is credited with fees that cover the cost of delivery to the destination parachain.

  • On BridgeHub, sovereign account of the origin parachain is debited with the costs incurred for delivery.

Parachain -> BridgeHub -> Ethereum

  • The parachain or a nested consensus system sends an XCM to BridgeHub, including ReserveAssetDeposited and BuyExecution instructions to cover the delivery fees for the ExportMessage instruction.

  • BridgeHub calculates the cost of processing the ExportMessage instruction, which is divided into local and remote costs respectively. The BuyExecution should cover these costs. However, BridgeHub will refund the remote costs to the sovereign account of the origin parachain.

  • When the message reaches Ethereum, the message relayers will be refunded and rewarded from the agent contract representing the origin parachain.

The net result is that:

  • On BridgeHub, sovereign account of the origin parachain is credited with fees that cover the cost of delivery to Ethereum.

  • On Ethereum, the agent contract of the origin parachain is debited with the costs incurred for delivery.


In both of the scenarios above, there is a common pattern:

  • Collected fees are credited to an account controlled by the parachain on the source network

  • Costs are debited from an account controlled by the parachain on the destination network

Parachain governance therefore has the responsibility to ensure that it has enough funds to cover costs on the destination network.

This can be done by selling collected fees on the source network for currency of the destination network. This is currently a manual process, but should only need to be done a few times a year.

Parachains can use the BridgeHub transfer_native_from_agent API to transfer funds from their agent to some EOA account.

Fee Calculation

Users pay fees in the native currency of the source chain. This fee is calculated by taking the delivery cost in the native currency of the foreign chain, and applying an exchange rate.

Currently, the exchange rates are fixed and need to be periodically updated by governance. While this is less price-efficient than using price feeds from oracles, it does ensure that the fee/rewards system is decentralized.

Last updated