
We use Polkadot’s BEEFY gadget to implement an efficient light client that only needs to verify a very small subset of relay chain validator signatures. BEEFY is live on Rococo, and is awaiting deployment on Kusama and Polkadot.

Fundamentally, the BEEFY light client allows the bridge to prove that a specified parachain header was finalized by the relay chain.

We want a bridge design that is light enough to deploy on Ethereum. It will be too expensive to verify signatures from say 1000 validators of the Polkadot relay chain on Ethereum, so we basically have two choices: verify all signatures in succinct proofs or only verify a few signatures. We settled for a design that tries to make the latter cryptoeconomically secure.

The ideal security to aim for is for an attack to be as expensive as the smaller market cap of DOT and ETH. Unfortunately, we can only slash the bond of the few validators whose signatures are verified, so any attack attempt is necessarily much cheaper than the whole market cap. However, we can aim to make an attack very expensive in expectation by making sure that an attack succeeds with low probability and that failed attacks still cost the attackers.

Update Protocol

The light client needs to be frequently updated with new BEEFY commitments by an untrusted permissionless set of relayers.

BEEFY commitments are signed by relay chain validators. The light client needs to verify these signatures before accepting commitments.

In the EVM there is no cryptographically secure source of randomness. Instead, we make our update protocol crypto-economically secure through an interactive update protocol. In this protocol, a candidate commitment is verified over 3 transactions. At a high level it works like this:

  1. submitInitial - In the first transaction, the relayer submits the commitment, a randomly selected validator signature, and an initial bitfield claiming which validators have signed the commitment.

  2. The relayer must then wait MAX_SEED_LOOKAHEAD blocks.

  3. commitPrevRandao - The relayer submits a second transaction to reveal and commit to a random seed, derived from Ethereum's RANDAO.

  4. submitFinal - The relayer sends a third and final transaction with signatures for all the validators specified in the final bitfield

  5. The light client verifies all validator signatures in the third transaction to ensure:

    1. The provided validators are in the current validator set

    2. The provided validators are in the final bitfield

    3. The provided validators have signed the beefy commitment

  6. If the third transaction succeeds then the payload inside the BEEFY commitment is applied

Signature Sampling

  1. The ratio of the total supply of DOT to the minimum amount slashable. These are done using two heuristic variables.

From the list above 1 and 2 are known in the light client and can be calculated on-chain. Variables 3, 4.1, and 4.2 are not known by the light client and are instead calculated off-chain and set as a minimum number of required signatures during the initialization of the light client. This minimum is immutable for the life time of the light client.

Message Verification

On our parachain, outbound channels periodically emit message commitment hashes which are inserted into the parachain header as a digest item. These commitment hashes are produced by hashing a set of messages submitted by end users.

To verify these commitment hashes, the light client side needs the following information

  1. The full message bundle

  2. Partial parachain header

  3. A merkle leaf proof for the parachain header containing the commitment hash for (1)

  4. An MMR leaf proof for the MMR leaf containing the merkle root for the merkle tree in (2)

Working backwards, if the BEEFY light client successfully verifies a parachain header, then the commitment hash within that header is also valid, and the messages mapping to that commitment hash can be safely dispatched.


Solidity Contracts:

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